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  • 开云手机版官方登录:FRONT PAGE

    开云手机版官方登录:Application for Supplier Registration

    Companies who wish to become a registered supplier of the Macau University of Science and Technology. Must to fill out Application for Supplier Registration form and submit the required documents through the email, by post or in person. The application will only be processed after all the required documents are provided.

    Should you have any enquiries, please contact the General Affairs Office of Macau University of Science and Technology:

    Address: Block I, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau, China / Alameda Dr. Carlos D’ Assump??o No. 335-341, Centro Hotline, 10? andar, Macau

    Hotline: (853) 8897 2039 / 8897 1921

    Email: admga@must.edu.mo

    开云手机版官方登录:Contact US

    General Affairs Office

    Address: Room R102, Academic Complex, Block R
    Service Hours: Mondays to Fridays 09:00-13:00, 14:30-18:20 (Closed on public holidays)
    Hotline: (853) 8897 2039
    Email: admga@must.edu.mo

    【开云手机版官方登录】 - 买球指南